39 East Oregon Avenue (South Philly)
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 551-5725
Mon - Thur 6 AM to Midnite
Fri & Sat 6 AM to 2 AM

At Tony Luke's, I always have to study the menu. Too many great choices of "old Philly style sandwiches" to order from memory. Above, roast pork topped with broccoli rabe and aged provolone. Top right, their biggest sandwich, the big beef. Sliced roast beef layered with anything and every thing. To the right, one of the best burgers in Philadelphia, their double burger royal, they grind their beef each day. Below that their Texas Wienera with chili sauce, onion and mustard
Ordering is a pain if you're a guy named Holly. You give them your name when you order and they call it out when your order is ready. I usually tell them my name is Vinnie or Rocco. Saves a lot of time explaining that Holly is short for Hollister.
Tony Luke's is on East Oregon Avenue, below Front.