101 N. Main Street
Taylor TX
(512) 352-2828
Daily 7 AM to 10 PM

A guy who has been smoking ribs for over sixty years knows a thing or two about barbecue. Vencil Mares, now in his eighties, was sitting at the counter chatting with a couple of regulars.
We said hi on the way out - raved a bit about the brisket. "You want to see the pit?" Yes sir. We got the full tour.
"Want some turkey sausage, we make it here? Eighty percent turkey." Vencil pulled some smoked yesterday and wrapped it up to take home.
The Taylor Cafe is easy to miss. It is under the over pass by the tracks. The sign is hidden, but once you know to look for a bright red building on the corner, you'll find it.
Freight trains and barbecue seem to go together. Two or three went by while we were eating. Whistles blaring. Perfect.
That's a rib plate with pinto beans above. Next to it, a brisket sandwich with a slab of onion.
Counter stools - a choice of traditional and tractor seats. I guess if someone's been riding a tractor for enough years, that's the only seat his rear will fit into.
April 2009