102 South 21st Street
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 496-9494
Monday Thru Friday
Noon to 9:30 or so
Web Site

Elsewhere, I'm nervous ordering rotisserie chicken. Nine times out of ten, it has been sitting in the rotisserie way to long and is dry and overcooked. Never the case here. I'm a regular and without exception the chicken has been perfect each time, oozing juice.
Not just any chicken. Rotisseur's are totally politically correct - cage free, hormone free, anti-biotic free and halal. They play well with sides too, like mac and cheese, oven roasted potatoes, collard greens, mini corn muffins, watermelon and feta salad and, of late, peanut butter and jelly bread pudding.
Chickens come whole, half or quartered, with or without two sides. Since I took a pic of the menu, Rotisseur has added lunch items including curry chicken salad and chicken bánh mi and chicken salad sandwiches.
January 2012