9th and Passyunk
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 468-1546
Open Daily

Pat Oliveri invented the cheesesteak back in 1930. Since then generations of South Philadelphians have been heading to the corner of 9th and Passyunk and to Pat's for a "Steak Wit" and a cherry soda.
Pat's is as real "South Philly" as you'll find. Lines of customers from the "neighborhood" that often wrap around the building. Gruff order takers with attitude that would intimidate a Marine Drill Sergeant. Pictures of local celebs Jerry Blavit and Hi Litt on the ceiling.
"Whiz With" translates to a cheesesteak topped with Cheeze Wiz and Fried onions. That's a good way to start. Cheese steaks are ordered at one window, drinks and fries at the next. For the real Pat's experience, ask the counter person at the cheesesteak window why he/she can't take your drink order too.
Pat's makes a fine steak. The same steak they've been grilling for the last 70 some years. Some folks put Pat's down. But there are a few million Pat's cheesesteak eaters who disagree.
Updated August 09
Update March, 2013 - Took Pat's from five to four grease stains. Three for quality and one for history = 4 grease stains. Last couple of visits got gristle in my steaks and the meat to bun ratio is getting stingy. Also a cheesesteak now costs $9.50 which is really pusing it.