7238 Nolensville Road
Nolensville TN
(615) 776-1856
Tuesday - Friday 11 AM to 8 PM
Saturday 11 AM "til the music stops"

Note: Martin's has moved to the above address. These pics are write-up show their old location.
The auto repair happens out back, I assume. The great barbecuing goes on in a smoker along side. The eatin' in the dining room, on the porch or in the car on the way home.
Had a pulled pork sandwich with cole slaw for my app. Continued on with a half slab of ribs, right out of the smoker. On the side, classic southern style green beans packed with flavor and a type of cornbread I mostly just see in Tennessee - Fried like a pancake. Goes great with the ribs.
Moon pie for dessert. It's about as down-home good as it gits.
Note they're closed on Sunday for "church and the Titans." And on Monday to recover from the Titans' approach to football.