619 N. Colorado Street
Lockhart TX
(512) 398-2361
Monday thru Saturday
10:30 AM to 8:00 PM

The hearse parked in front of the Kreuz Market was a bit disconcerting. Then I realized it was just a regular customer stopping by for one last plate of barbecue to nourish him through eternity.
The Kreuz Market has been around for over one hundred years. When they moved to their new location a few years ago, embers from the pit in their old building were hand carried by shovel to their new home. The flame never died.
Owner Rick Schmidt was showing me the pits. "Each of these pits is exactly the same - cooks the same. In the old place each cooked different. Had to cook my barbecue four different ways to make it the same."
Up above is an order of brisket and sausage. To the right, a close up of their sausage. Great sausage. Below that a pork chop. Nice smoke, moist. Definitely worth trying. Rick also gave me a taste of their smoked ham. A good addition to their menu.
Some things never change. No forks ("They are at the end of your arm") and no sauce ("Nothing to hide.")
The picture below is just half of the wood pile out back. Post oak.
April 2009