354 River Rd
East Hanover, NJ
(973) 463-0099
Monday - Thursday: 11 AM to 8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 11 AM to 10 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Rumor has it that Jimmy Buff's invented the Italian hot dog. An Italian hot dog goes on a quarter of a large roll of Italian bread (sort of a fat pita). The dog is grilled and then topped with sautéed onions, peppers and potatoes. You can also order a double, which is two dogs on a half a roll. That's an Italian Sausage Sandwich next to the dog. Same principle, but sausage instead of a hot dog. I actually prefer the Italian Sausage. The various greases pair off better.
Recently Jimmy Buffs has added Boardwalk Dogs, similar to Max's quarter pounder, and Pushcart Dogs to the menu. That's nice, and I've heard raves about their Boardwalk Dog. But I don't see how I can ever not order their Italian Dog or their Italian Suasage.
June 2008