337 South Street
Philadelphia PA
(215) 923-4337
Sunday - Thursday: 10 AM - 11 PM
Friday & Saturday: 10 AM - 2 AM

Ishkabibble's is a South Street institution. Been around since 1979. Walk up, street side counter under a giant shade tree and a small sitdown counter inside.
Ishkabibble's brags about inventing the chicken cheesesteak as is that is something to be proud of. Sorry, but a chicken cheesesteak just doesn't cut it. Lumpy and dry.
Fortunately they more than make up for it with the rest of their grease stain worthy menu. I'm a fan of their Texas Tommy hot dog above and especially of their Spanish Fries. Greasy french fries mixed with greasy onions and hot peppers. Way too adictive.
Most everything else off their grill rocks too. Everything is cooked to order which is good, but means a bit of a wait, especially when they're packed.
They also boast about a drink, the "Gremlin" a mixture of grape an lemonade.