555 S. Indiana Street
Mooresville IN
(317) 831-3345
Open for Lunch and Dinner
Every Day But Christmas

The Gray Brothers Cafeteria is a phenomenon. Never seen anything like it. The cafeteria service line runs half the building. The customer line often starts outside, flows through the door and up, back and up again along the line. But it moves fast and most of the time you're able to look across and work and rework your plan of attack - what you'll be loading on to your super-sized cafeteria tray.
They're famous for the fried chicken. I'd stand in line for it again. And again. The fried chicken livers (upper right) are just as good. Great selection of pies too.
In case you're wondering -- the tray full of food on the right cost me all of $11.66.
July 2004