Pennsport Mall
Moyamensing & Moore
Philadelphia PA
(215) 334-7668
Monday - Saturday
10:30 - 8:00 PM
Grill til 6:00 PM

A hoagie shop deep in South Philly called Gooey Looie's - you know we're not talking "epicurean." No Sarcone's bread. No aged sharp provolone. No imported meats from the mountains of Corsica.
None of that. Gooey Louie's name pretty much says it all. Huge, over-stuffed hoagies and cheesesteaks. Solid, two fisted eating. Two pound sandwiches guaranteed to get you through til dinner time.
My only complaint - they didn't pack any napkins in with my sandwiches. Then again, what's the point? Would take a hosing down and a beach towel to clean up after my cheese steak hoagie.