Route 22690-698 Washington Street
Boston, MA
(617) 482-8898
Lopatcong Township
Sunday Only for Dim Sum

Dim Sum kind of translates to "A little bit of heart." Little taste of all things Chinese from dumplings to chicken feet. Traditionally served with tea, they also make for a great Sunday Brunch.
Empire Garden is a converted movie theatre that packs Bostonians in for Dim Sum. It's take a number time and then a 20 minute wait. The maitre d' calls out the numbers in Chinese and if, after a short wait, no one shows, again in English.
Once seated the servers come by with cart after cart of Dim Sum. As the servers' English ability limits descriptions to "beef" or "fish" or "pork", you take whatever appeals to your eye.
Our bill for three very well sated brunchers - $18