847 High Street
Central Falls, RI
(401) 725-7020
Hours vary, call first.
Products available in markets and from their web site

Central Falls Provision makes smoked sausage. Mostly kielbasa, but also baked loaf and a few specialty sausages. Been sausage making since 1923. Almost 90 years. Three generations of Skoczylas's. That's Paul above and his parents, Mildred and Mitchell below.
Got a chance to try the kielbasa. Nice smoke to it. Such a difference from the national brands. Much better.
Also tried a product they are testing - jumbo hot dogs - about a half a pound. Pork, beef and veal in a natural casing. Looking forward to them hitting the market. Good flavor, nice seasoning.
Alas, their baked loaf was frozen. Was curious about it - Pork, beef and veal blend. I've had similar from German delis. Learned later that when sliced thick amd pan fried, locals call it a Polish steak. Now I'm really curious. \
The city of Central Falls is just outside of Providence that after some tough times is coming together. Lots of ethnic places to taste. Lots of ethnic places to taste. Need to do some more eating there.
December 2012


Sausage Stuffer

Baked Loaf

Jumbo Hot Dogs - New product, not on
the market yet.