626 S. Carrollton Avenue
New Orleans LA
(504) 309-2679
Monday thru Thrusday 8:00 AM - 10 PM
Friday thru Sunday 8:00 AM - Midnight
(call to confirm)

The Camellia Grill is a diner with New Orleans style. Linen napkins, servers dressed in whites with a black bowtie and, most endearingly, syrup pourers filled with melted butter on the counter.
I went for breakfast. Breakfast-wise, Camellia Grill is famous both for its huge omelets and its pecan waffles. I went the pecan waffle route - Eureka, a rarity in the world of breakfast, a pecan waffle that is packed with pecans. Along side, perfect diner sausages - glistening with grease and when cut open - all white inside.
Later in the day - while they serve all the basic sandwiches and sides, the thing to order is their cheeseburger. On Mondays, only, go for the red beans and rice with hamburger patty and toast.
Service is fun. A fist bump greeting, constant chatter, a song or two - the guys know what they're doing, and they have fun at it.
Some may remember the Hummingbird Cafe, before it got urban renewalized. I have missed it during my trips to New Orleans but think I've found a great replacement.
December 2008