302 Delavan Avenue
Greenwich CT
(203) 531-7433
Monday thru Thursday 11:30 AM to 8:00 PM
Friday and Saturday 11:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Web Site

They left hot dogs out of their name. A mistake. Burger Shakes and Fries does a great dog. On a New England hot dog bun. Toasted. Probably one of the southern most sources for a dog on a proper New England hot dog bun.
Burgers on toasted bread seem to be a Connecticut thing. Probably hails back to Louis Lunch on the Yale campus. I like them that way. Seems any burger on white toast turns out to be a good one. Alas, the fries appear to be frozen.
Shakes are made to order and good. I had one of that day's specials, coffee.
By the way, this was deja vu all over again. Ten minutes into my visit, I realized I had been there a year ago with the folks from Road Food, but didn't like the way the pics turned out so didn't post it then. Go figure. It was the RoadFood site that pointed me to Burger, Shakes and Fries this visit.
Good eating both times.
October 2010