Corner Towsend & Wharf
Boothbay Harbor ME
(207) 633-2135
Hours: Whenever

"King Brud" is 82 and has been serving up hot dogs on a corner in Boothbay Harbor for 59 years. Back then his dogs cost 15 cents.
Brud is also elusive. I've been trying to bag him for this site for a few visits. He sets his own hours - mostly lunch, mostly in season. I caught him on a sunny Sunday in early June.
The guy at the hardware store humorously cautioned me that Brud's aren't the greatest dogs. "I've got a t-shirt that reads 'Brud Free since '83.'"
I don't want no t-shirt. Brud's dogs are fine - steamed dog, steamed bun and topped with mustard, relish, onion, ketchup and 59 years of tradition.