127 Clinton Street
Johnstown PA
(814) 535-2885
Monday thru Saturday
6 AM - 4 AM

They grill a fine hot dog here. Traditional Coney Island style, topped with chopped fresh onions, mustard and Coney Island Sauce.
They also serve up a one-of-a-kind burger - the "Sundowner." Grilled hamburger on a steamed bun and topped with a fried egg, mustard, chopped onion and Coney Island Sauce. Mustard on a fried egg. Go figure. It works.
But the real reason to take the 30 mile side trip from the PA Turnpike is to do battle with Debbie "Do." Think of Opie's Aunt Bea - with attitude. She hated my camera. Smiling wickedly after I took one too many pictures, "Can I see your camera." Nope.
Debbie Do? "Yeah. It's Debbie do this, Debbie do that. Could be 'Debbie Don't Do' too."
That's Debbie mustarding up the six hot dogs on her arm. "I can do 8, but the manager only lets me do 6."