6363 N. Milwaukee Avenue
Chicago IL
(773) 736-0660
11 AM - Late Night

Them's some ugly, wrinkled dogs. Taste mighty good though. Thing is they cram them into a paper box. Wish they didn't. Makes 'em ugly.
That's the hotdog on the left. Classic Chicago style with the addition of a chuck of pickled green tomato.
On the right - even better - is their "WooskiDog" - a polish / Rumanian sausage with barbecue sauce and fried onions on an onion bun. Fries come free with both, and are some of the best in Chicago.
Superdawg is a classic drive-in. Pull in to a stall and press the button on the speaker to order. Or on a nice day, walk over to a table. There are order-systems there where you can order too. Or, walk up to the counter.