35 Maiden Lane
London England
020 7836 5314
Midday to Midnight
7 Days a Week

What better place for tradition roast beef and Yorkshire pudding than London's oldest and perhaps most traditional restaurant? Alas, there was a rub. Rules only prepares the dish for two. Fortunately my waiter was Hans.
When I asked if it was possible to order Prime Rib for one, "Yes sir, but you will be charged the price for two." Undauted by my resigned "oh," Hans pressed on, "The last gentleman who asked, ordered it and had no problem finishing the beef." When Hans returned to take my order, I was still not convinced, andI ordered the rack of lamb. "You're not having the beef Sir?" Broken, I ordered the roast beef for two.
Glad I did. Comes with Yorkshire Pudding, Dauphonoise potatoes and spinach. I finished the beef and did a decent job on the rest. As Hans cleared the table, a congratulatory "Very well done, Sir." Jeeves couldn't have said it better.
For dessert, and of course I had dessert, Rule's famous Sticky Toffee Pudding.
All that said, had my quest not been prime rib and Yorkshire pudding, I would have ordered one of the game dishes. That is their specialty and good reason to return.