430 Cotton Avenue
Macon GA
(478) 743-1368
Temporarily closed due to fire in March, 2015. They will rebuild.

The great thing about Nu Way is that with their dogs not only does one get one's minimum supply of nitrates, one also gets a good helping of Red Dye #2. I asked the lady cook to hold out the dogs so I could get a pic to show how red they are. The guy next to me was surprised, "Red?" The cook confided, "Northerners think our dogs are real red."
Nu Way has been serving the "best weiner in town" since 1916. The proclamation to the right states that Nu Way may be the oldest hot dog stand in the nation. Also that the Mayor's favorite is an all-the-way dog. I tried one, along with a slaw dog. Mayors got my vote.
Nu Way is across from city hall. When the police chief is out on business, his parking space is free. If anyone asks, tell them I said it is ok.
Feb 2005