1507 Wilmington Pike Rte. 202
Just North of Route 1
West Chester, PA
(610) 459-3083
Daily 10 AM - 8 PM

Jimmy John's basic hotdog is good, but I go for their special frankfurter. It's an old fashioned frankfurter, short and squat with a crisp natural casing. The bun used for all hot dogs is baked with a slit top and sort of a cross between a standard hot dog bun and a kaiser roll. Excellent. I also tried their pork roll sandwich. Shiny, greasy, and perfect on the above mentioned hot dog bun.
Anyone into model trains is in for a real treat. They are everywhere - circling the entire restaurant at ceiling level, shuttling back and forth along the back wall, and tooting away en masse in a large display case in the center of the dining room.
Jimmy Johns suffered a fire in May 2010. All better now. They reopened in
December 2010.