Eating Jersey Dogs
- Hot Dogs
- Bear's
- Callahan's
- Casino
- Charlie's Famous
- Dickie Dee's
- Falls View
- Father & Son
- Galloping Hill
- Goffle Grill
- Hiram's
- Hot Dog Johnny's
- Hot Grill
- Jerry's
- Jersey Joe's
- Jimmy Buff's
- Joe-Joe's Italian Hot Dogs
- Johnny & Hanges
- Libby's Lunch
- Max's Famous Hot Dogs
- Maui's Dog House
- Rutt's Hut
- Toby's Cup
- Tommy's
- Wee Nee Wagon
- Windmill
- Burgers
- French Fries
- Route 40 Rib Joints
- Trenton Pies
- Other
(Italian Sausage Sandwich)
(Full Menu Drive-In)
(Ice Cream)
Atlantic City
(Cheesesteaks & Subs)
Memories Of Meals Gone By
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A couple of Rippers from Rutt's Hut.
North Jersey, and not Chicago,
might well be the hot dog
capital of the world.
Some non-dog places on this page too.
Also definitely worth a visit.