544 Quinton Road (Rte. 49)
Salem NJ
(856) 935-5224
10 AM - 10 PM Daily
End of March to Second Sunday in October

As idyllic a setting for a hamburger, hot dog and frozen custard stand that I've happened upon. Yellow and white buildings, one for cooking and one for custard, and lots of green, a pasture in back, plenty of lawn for sitting and eating.
You need to be comfortable if you're going to eat your way through their huge Belly Buster. A half pound of beef, flattened thin, stuck on a big ol' bun and topped with lettuce, tomato, onions and cheese.
Foot long dogs too. Topped with fried onions. For dessert all manner of custard and ice.
A women told me, "I've been coming here since I was a kid. Back then the Belly Busters were even bigger." I suggested that maybe it's her eyes that were bigger. "Nope."