1865 Route 35
Belmar / Wall Township
(732) 449-2650
Open Tuesday Through Sunday
11 AM - 9 PM
Til 10 Friday and Saturday

The Circus Drive-In menu lists everything ever sold in a drive-in anywhere and then some. I asked my waitress what the place is famous for.
Soft shell crab sandwiches and onion rings. Soft shell crab sandwich is basic, crab cooked crisp on a toasted bun. The onion rings are outstanding.
There's also a char-broiled hot dog that I'll be trying the next time I'm in the area.
A great place to go if you're packing along a car-full of kids. Probably not a great idea if you are of the belief that children should be neither seen nor heard.
Did learn a neat fact. The difference between a carousel and a merry-go-round. A carousel spins counter clockwise and a merry-go-round, clockwise.